Widyanigsih Elly
MTU Manager
Widyaningsih Elly is MTU Manager of PT Medifarma Laboratories.
She is a Pharmacist by education from Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta.
She earned Pharmacist Bachelor in UGM at 2002 and then continue to Apothecary profession program and then graduated in 2003.
She has experienced in product development of pharmaceutical dosage form for more than 17 years.
She started the career as Formulation development scientist in PT Dexa Medica in 2003 until she has promoted to Formulation Development Associate Manager
And then left the Indonesia local company in 2008. She then join PT Merck Indonesia, a multinational pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, as Galenic Development Associate Manager in 2008.
After 11 years of multiple projects in product development, technical transfer and existing product maintenance in PT Merck, she then join in PT Medifarma Laboratories at 2019 as MTU Manager until present.