window._site.forumUser = ""; $(document).ready( function () { window._site.comments( $('div.content div.comments'), [{"id":"2404","username":"allan","comment":"

Support for Bootstrap alpha 6 has been added to DataTables<\/a> after 1.10.13 was released. The next release version of DataTables will include support for alpha 6+. Before then, the changes are detailed in the commit if you'd like to use them.<\/p>\n","created":"16:47, Mon 16th Jan 2017","parent":null,"version":"1.10.13","children":[]}] ); } ); = "examples\/styling\/bootstrap4.html"; $(document).ready( function () { window._site.dynamicLoaded(); } ); window._site.csrfToken = 'fd4358da1a41217f2206f1f41daad6cf7fe2471c8529bf90';